Restoring the glory

Banquet Hall of Nyíregyháza

The final form of the hall's decorative painting was decided together with the staff of the Department of Construction and Heritage Protection of the County Government Office, designers and Tibor Anducska, the monumental painter. The painting, which is very similar to the original in terms of colour and motifs, was designed and executed on the basis of a single archival photograph.

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Mansion in Békéscsaba

The free-standing, rectangular neoclassical mansion was built in the late 1840s by the Ursziny family of Sepsis.

Greek Church of Újfehértó

"Tibor Anducska and his father Lajos have fully restored the wall paintings, and have also donated a new altar table and a new preparation table for the church."




"Ignác Alpár, one of the most productive architects of Hungarian architecture, designed the beautiful monumental main building, which accommodates about 500 pupils and opened its doors as a central elementary school in 1892."



A 19. század közepén klasszicista stílusban épült rezidenciával kapcsolatban érdekességként megosztotta, hogy festőrestaurátori munkák zajlanak, részletgazdag, freskószerű festéseket fedeztek fel a mennyezeteken.”

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The interior of the Greek Catholic Church of Újfehértó was painted in 1954 by István Takács. The sixty-five year old painting was worn and dusty, and the church was in need of updating and renovation in several respects. The wall paintings were fully restored, and we also donated a new altar table and a new preparation table for the church.

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„Fent az állványzatok legfelső szintjén, a festett mennyezeten és az oldalfalaknál festők dolgoznak, Anducska Tibor díszítőfestő–templomfestő irányításával. A belső reconstruction tervszerűen, jó ütemben folyik. A falfelületek tisztításakor felfedezett eredeti díszítő festést, illetve azok részleteit felújítják. A meglévő ornamentális, díszítő festést előbb letisztítják, majd fixálják s elvégzik a teljes rekonstrukcióját.”

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The Evangelical Great Church is the oldest monument in Nyíregyháza and the only Baroque monument in the city. It is the second largest Lutheran church in Hungary after the one in Békéscsaba.



"The exterior of the Greek Catholic Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Anarcs was renovated six years ago, but the interior painting could only be completed now, thanks to donations from the Diocese of Nyíregyháza and the people of Anarcs. The decorative paintings and restoration work were done by Tibor Anducska; the ceiling Pantocrator painting was done by Viktória Monostory."

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We restored the interior decorative painting of the Lutheran church in Kölcse.



The Greek Catholic church was built in 1922. The iconostasis was designed by Miklós Pásztor in 1981, and he also painted the pictures. In 2010 the church was completely renovated, the wall paintings were made by Tibor Anducska's team and Zsolt Makláry.



Designed by Mihály Pollack, this is one of the most beautiful and most visited monuments in Northern Hungary. On the ceiling there is a painted spatial dome with figures representing science and art.



„A lelkész hangsúlyozta, a felújítás során szem előtt tartották a szigorú egyházi előírásokat, így a falfestmények és ikonok hűek a bizánci hagyományokhoz. Ezek elkészítését két magyarországi szakemberre bízták. Anducska Tibor festőmester Magyarországon több templomtól kapott már hasonló megbízást, ő végezte a díszítést, míg Makláry Zsolt sárospataki festőművész az ikonfestést vállalta.”

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The monumental Greek Catholic church on Bajcsy-Zsiliszky Street, standing on an artificial elevation, is a Baroque building from the second half of the 18th century.



One of the town's landmarks is the Greek Catholic church, built in 1944. 



We did the interior decoration, reconstructing the stucco,gilding the marble paintings and repainting the decorative work on the façade.



One of the most valuable monuments of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, and its most significant historical monument, is the Vay Castle in Vaja.



The frescoed baroque castle of Tiszántúl is located in Tuzsér, a popular village on the Upper Tisza coast for water tourists and bathers.